There has been a lot of information floating around about taking zinc for colds and other viral illnesses ever since a 1984 study published that zinc supplements kept people from getting as sick. According to the Mayo Clinic, a recent analysis of several studies shows that zinc reduces the length of a common cold by one day. Most colds are caused by a virus, which thrives and multiplies in the upper respiratory system. Researchers speculate that zinc may prevent the virus from multiplying and can prevent the virus from attaching to the mucous membranes in the throat and nose, inhibiting further infection. Furthermore, the CDC says zinc promotes overall immune functions and helps people resist infectious diseases.
While some common colds are caused by rhinoviruses, others are caused by coronaviruses. There are many types of coronaviruses, one of which is responsible for the current COVID-19 pandemic, named severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). So, if zinc can help reduce the common cold, what can it do for COVID-19?
According to a 2020 review of micronutrients and the immune system published by NCBI, zinc ranked as the top three most vital nutrients for immune health. It enhances your immune cells’ activities and the production of antibodies and antimicrobial peptides while preventing autoimmunity. With a solid base as an antiviral and immunity booster, zinc is showing up in more clinical studies as an anti-COVID-19 option.

Using zinc as a therapeutic for hospitalized COVID-19 patients is showing promising results. A study published in September 2020 showed a 44% decrease in deaths and a 53% increase in hospital discharge in non-ICU patients.
Furthermore, scientists in Japan and India measured zinc levels in the blood of COVID-19 patients upon hospitalization. Results showed that 86% of patients with zinc deficiency later progressed into severe COVID-19 symptoms. At the 2020 ESCMID Conference on Coronavirus Disease (ECCVID), researchers from Spain presented their findings on zinc levels and the risk of death by COVID-19. They calculated that each unit increase in blood zinc levels at hospital admission decreased the risk of death by 7%. And zinc deficiency at admission increased the risk of death by 2.3 times.

So, what does this mean for you and your health? Eat more zinc-rich foods! Buying local and fresh is a great way to ensure you are getting good, nutrient-dense produce. Even better, make sure your food is coming from plants that are grown with the best liquid fertilizer for plants Prevegenics Elite Zinc. It quickly prevents nutritional deficiencies in the plants, keeping them healthy, allowing them to grow super nutrient-dense fruits and vegetables. Plants can’t grow healthy produce if they aren’t healthy too, so make sure to use only the best fertilizer for vegetables. Prevegenics knows what it takes to maintain the healthiest plants, so you can be sure you are eating the healthiest natural foods available.